
‘Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.’

Arthur Ashe

You’ve heard it before, but I will repeat it.

Manage your diet. 

I am not going to advocate any certain diet or lifestyle here. I am simply saying, whatever you eat, eat it with a positive intention.

When all feels out of control mentally, take control of something physical.

You owe it to your body

Your body works tirelessly for you; it exists to serve you. Most of the processes that are going on, you are not consciously aware of. Its only purpose is to protect and care for you. Return the favor, and give it the nutrients and love it deserves, to fulfil its purpose, and ultimately serve you.

Food influences your mental health

The gut is tied with emotions, so eating well really does help with your mood. Factors like poorly managed blood sugar levels, inadequate amounts of nutrients, etc. can link to hormone imbalances and higher cortisol levels. Certain diets, such as one in low processed foods, balance out your internal systems and, equally importantly, maintain a good headspace.

Our minds and bodies are connected. Shrug your shoulders. Seriously, do it. That was the mind connecting to the body.

If we are feeding our bodies with unhealthy foods, we are not giving our minds the best chance to fight the problems we face. 

The method:

Take it slow. Really slow.

Have 2 biscuits instead of 3.

Add one serving of vegetables to your dinner at a time.

Choose a piece of fruit over a piece of cake for your snack.

Don’t restrict yourself on everything – life is meant to be enjoyed. Just make small changes. When you do, consciously tell your mind why you are doing it – this helps to connect the action with an intention.

If you are suffering from an eating disorder, please reach out to a loved one or a professional.

My Story

I went plant-based for a year. Despite people telling me it would be easier than I thought, I disagreed. I craved everything that I cut out. It didn’t get easier; I just got used to it. I stopped enjoying eating, and it negatively affected my mental health. I ended up going on a two-month binge of eating anything and everything.

The diet was not the problem; it was my attitude towards it. I now aim to be plant-based 90% of the time and am loving it. I am experimenting with new foods, finding healthier alternatives (like dates in desserts instead of sugar), and feeling great! Most importantly, I am not restricting myself. If I feel like having cake at a birthday party, I’ll eat it. Yes, I’m getting my cake and eating it. It takes off a lot of pressure and guilt.  

Find what works for you. If you fall off the wagon, jump back on whenever you’re ready.