Speeches/Inspirational Talks

These are positive and motivational talks by iconic people. I can assure you that if you listen to even one a day for a month, it will help to change your life. They are positivity provided by others when you can’t muster up any for yourself. They work as great mental coaches to motivate you. You can find many speeches for free online.

The benefits

Speeches and talks not only offer you new ideas and perspectives, but they subconsciously trigger and change thought patterns in your head to help rewire your thinking. Some just give you the kick you need to get going. I have had many epiphanies whilst listening to speeches. They have become the soundtrack to my workouts, and have pushed me to be better every single day.

Some of my favourite speakers include: Eric Thomas, Jocko Willink, Alan Watts & Jason Silva. (I have added some in the Resources section.)

My Story

This was another ‘small thing’ my brother pushed me to do. When I did start, the words felt empty, even insulting, and I didn’t appreciate them. Though, as my journey continued, and I practised self-love, the words began to affirm my new way of thinking and lifestyle. Now, they have become one of my favourite ‘small things’, and are an ongoing practise.