
‘With musical choices we create interior states – they soundscape your reality, they architect the landscapes of your mind.’ 

Jason Silva

I was a classic culprit of feeding my depression. If I felt sad, I listened to music that would make me cry. If I felt angry, I listened to music that would make my blood boil.

Why do we do this? It’s comforting. I felt connected to artists who understood my pain, and I didn’t feel so alone. Although it was helpful, I realised I had to change this. How could I possibly expect my mental state to get better, if I was subjecting it to depressing words constantly?

Instead of using music as fuel for your depression, use it as a tool to help you heal. 

I am not saying to stop listening to your favourite artists and jump onto Beethoven and Mozart, but instead to try and incorporate uplifting music – ones with positive lyrics, and a soothing orchestra of sounds. You can create playlists for your varying moods and play specific songs when you are in need of a boost.

The benefits

– Stimulates the formation of brain chemicals (crucial to the treatment of depression)
–> Soothing music notes increase serotonin levels in the brain, making you feel positive and motivated.
–> Assists in the secretion of endorphins to help the healing process.
–> Increases dopamine levels (part of the pleasure-reward system).

– Makes you want to party! (see above photo)